JORI cataloog HOME 2022

23 200.000 pcs JORI celebrates 50 years of seating comfort Launch of the 3D product configurator ( ) 201 9 JORI presents a new design language with the launch of the new Daydreamer reclining chair JORI produces its 200.000 pcs reclining chair 2018 After winning the Good Industrial Design award in 2016, the Wing sofa wins the Iconic award 2017 as well as the German Design Award special. 201 7 202 1 P I ONEERS I N DYNAMI C SEAT I NG First JORI brandstore in Asia 22 Launch of the Linea model, an ergonomic icon, still one of the JORI bestsellers 1 997 Launch of the multi-move mechanism (reclining chair Vinci) 1 998 1 994 Scientists at Erasmus Univer- sity Rotterdam confirm the unique comfort level of JORI reclining chairs with their ‘muscle tone 0’ research Launch of the longueville sofa , the first sofa with swivelling armrest 1 998 201 3 2008 JORI wins its first Design and Innovation Award with the Chillap 2016